Since 1998 Aluminio Oliveira has stood out in the innovation of its products, having as mission, to make people's lives better and more practical, working with innovative and high quality products.
Located 70 km from São Paulo, in the municipality of Bragança Paulista, Alumínio Oliveira is always investing in technology, machinery, equipment and in the modernization of its industrial park, with a total area of 20,000 m2.
With more than 600 items distributed in hundreds of sales points throughout Brazil and abroad, Aluminio Oliveira has been consolidating its name in the market for over 22 years, seeking to meet the needs of its consumers, with quality, design and innovation in its products, through constant investment in technology and professional training.
Always keeping an eye on trends and seeking continuous innovation in our products, we participate annually in important fairs such as: ABUP Home & Gift (São Paulo - Brazil), International Home Housewares (Chicaco - USA) and Ambiente (Frankfurt - Germany).

Estrada da Paz, 1119 - Bom RetiroBragança Paulista - SP